The strategic partnership between the Manufacturing Intelligence division of Hexagon and JSOL Corporation aims at speeding up the virtual prototyping process for the powertrain group of electric vehicles.
“As the move towards electrification accelerates, new challenges need to be addressed to improve vehicle performance characteristics, from the component to system level. For example, improvements to noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) performance now require simulation solutions to provide answers at much higher frequency ranges. Our partnership with JSOL solidifies our commitment to serve our existing and new customers in this rapidly evolving market”, are the words by Mahesh Kailasam, general manager of design and engineering at Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division.
“The electrification acceleration in various sectors, like the one of aerospace transports and of automotive, needs the use of simulation technologies to foresee with precision factors such as noise and vibrations, efficiency, duration and thermal management. This solution should be able to capture multi-physical effects in terms of component, subsystem and system.
Another challenge it is possible to win through the simulation is the creation of very light, efficient and innovative electromagnetic thrusters. “Hexagon and JSOL supply engineers with digital platforms and virtual environments that facilitate the development of sophisticated technologies of electric propulsion”, companies add in a press release.