A funding worth 10 million Euros has been delivered by Crédit Agricole Italia and guaranteed by Sace in favour of Manz Italy, it is aimed at supporting the Ipcei Batterie EuBatIn project, oriented to create a European sustainable value chain, able to produce raw materials, cells, modules and systems of state-of-the-art batteries, but also to reconvert and recycle batteries with innovative and efficient methods.
The goal is developing new prototypes of machines for cells and the assembly of battery packs as support of the Energy Storage Division of Manz AG Group, established in 1987 and operating in Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Continental China and Taiwan.
«With great satisfaction we welcome the direct support to the development of the ambitious project of Manz Italia by Crédit Agricole Italia, jointly with Sace, which allows us to make the project, cofounded by Mimit, progress more quickly; it is focused on the validation of innovative technologies, processes and plants for the assembly of high energy efficiency lithium batteries», commented Paolo Facchini, Managing Director and & CFO of Manz Italy Srl.