Acronym of Energica Mavel co-engineering, the new EMCE motor will be exclusively used on the whole Energica range. The two protagonist companies are Energica Motor Company and Mavel, a research, development and production company specialized in the powertrain ambit that is headquartered at Point-saint-martin, in Valle D’Aosta (Italy).
The company collaborates with primary OEM on a world scale in the automotive industry, but with Energica it makes its début in the two-wheel sector, therefore it has helped Emilia player in improving the motor performances.
The new EMCE contains innovative geometries of rotors and stators that minimize energy losses and maximize performances. The uniformity of the delivered torque and the weight optimization improve the power density and the torque of the motor and permit the optimization of manufacturing processes. Moreover, an innovative patented rotor cooling can generate an internal airflow that touches magnets and cools them, permitting the motor to exploits its potentialities also at high speeds. Furthermore, some adaptive control algorithms assure the inverter can always make the system work in the most efficient possible way. Due to the new EMCE motor with power peak at 126 kW, with 8500 rpm and liquid cooling that grants the highest performances, Energica range is lightened by 10 kg, with relative autonomy rise that ranges from 5 to 10%.
«Innovation – declared Giampiero Testoni, CTO of Energica Motor Company Spa
is the main core of our technical department that, together with Mavel, has found the right collaboration to go even beyond the limits of the current technology, further improving an already highly performing product. The progress is what leads us to look further, to full advantage of our final customers. We are proud of setting a new important technological progress in the Electric Valley that, day by day, we are implementing with so much commitment and passion».
The witness by Davide Bettoni, CEO of Mavel, is as enthusiastic: «I believe in the collaboration between Energica and Mavel because they are two companies projected towards the future, with complementary technologies and converging visions. I am also proud that two realities like ours, which invest in people, contribute in supporting a future of modernity and development for our Country».