We are in Austria, in the Steyr factory, with about 60,000 square meters of BMW manufacturing space. Here they have completed the building for the future manufacturing of electric powertrains. In the next months, they will implement around 300 plants and equipment, many of which will be customized, and ready for the launch of the pre-series production.
 «The construction and the installation of this production plant for electric Neue Klasse drive proceeds as planned. Now the next important stage is coming and it is not less ambitious than the building of halls themselves», stated Helmut Hochsteiner, electric drive manager at Steyr factory of BMW Group.
 «We are overall investing more than 500 million Euros in plants and equipment for Steyr, offering further confirmation of BMW Group’s commitment to the site. The start of the mass production of electric powertrains for Neue Klasse is scheduled in Autumn 2025», affirmed Klaus von Moltke, vice president of the motor manufacturing of BMW AG.
More in general, by 2030 BMW Group will invest around 1 billion Euros in all in the production of e-drives by its Steyr plant. The factory will produce over 600,000 electric units yearly together with diesel and petrol units.