Omron Electronic Components Europe has launched a new high power PCB relay for use in AC wallboxes for Mode 3 AC EV charging stations. The G9KC relay provides the lowest contact resistance available on the market and produces significantly less load terminal heat rise when in operation compared to equivalent devices. This opens new opportunities for designers and manufacturers of EV chargers to create systems that can charge faster and more efficiently, with a higher reliability and expected lifetime.
As electric vehicles (EVs) grow in popularity, demand for dependable and high-speed EV supply equipment (EVSE) or EV chargers is also rapidly increasing. Improved charging speeds can be achieved by using higher charging currents; however, this requires the use of higher rated electronic components, resulting in the generation of more heat inside the wallbox enclosure. Higher temperatures within the wallbox can significantly affect charging performance and efficiency and can cause temporary limitations on charging power. Furthermore, increased heat cycles and heat levels can also cause components to wear prematurely and fail. Balancing the increasing amounts of heat dissipated by higher power components, with the desire to reduce overall system footprint, is therefore a major challenge for designers of EV charging infrastructure.
The relay’s 4-pole structure means that a single device can replace larger multi-pole Contactors and combinations of 1 and 2 pole, reducing the footprint required. With a guaranteed initial contact resistance of less than 6 mΩ it has the potential to contribute less as a hotspot while improving charging efficiency and performance. The G9KC’s lower operating temperature reduces the likelihood in the number of charge cycles reaching charging current throttling thresholds, while also contributing to improved reliability and longevity of the relays themselves, as well as surrounding components