The wind power, the second source of electric power in Brazil, behind the hydroelectric, represents 19,000 jobs in this country, as compared to 34,000 in 2018. Even with the fall, Brazil remains among the 10 most used in the world.
Around 80% of this market is located in the northeast, which has the best wind conditions. The report indicates that local containment requirements and subsidized services for project developers have strengthened the national supply chain for wind turbines. It is also of high impact in the production of towers and the most moderate effect in the manufacture of wind turbines. The national content in the Brazilian wind sector is currently estimated at 80%.
Brazil continues to be the second country that employs the most in renewable energies. If the numbers of all the countries of the European block are sums up, Brazil will continue to be in the world leader, occupying the third place.
In this context, Italian company Bonfiglioli firstly started Yaw and Pitch drive local production in Brazil in 2014 with a big success.