The Manufacturing Congress 2022 – Digital solutions for the connected factory is an important opportunity for the whole industrial world, to be informed about the best existing on the market as support to digitalization. A unique chance indeed, also due to its particular place and time framework. The event will take place in Bologna (Italy) on Wednesday June 8th 2022 at Volvo Congress Center, former GAM, sideways the main entrance of BolognaFiere.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CLICK HEREThe congress will be held the day before the opening of MECSPE exhibition (June 9-11, 2022), trade fair dedicated to the innovative technologies for the manufacturing industry.
The Italian manufacturing industry is called to look ahead and to embrace digital technologies, to turn each plant into a real smart factory: 68% of manufacturing companies highlight that increasing resilience is one of the corporate priorities; 77% of manufacturing companies agree about the fact that the digital transformation in production is essential for the future success; and 84% of manufacturing companies intend to embrace digital transformation technologies. The time has come of introducing with determination the change in all companies, because it is impossible to disregard the enormous opportunities that the digital transformation can create. Mainly, the collection and the analysis of data directly from plants enable the most reliable forecasts, allow producing more efficiently and permit higher resilience and sustainability.
The focus of the Manufacturing Congress 2022
In the scenario described above, the Manufacturing Congress 2022 is framed: satisfying a market that asks responses in the shortest possible time, always researching technologies that can transform each plant into a real smart factory with optimized processes and high safety and reliability levels. 5G, digital platforms, Industrial IoT, Edge Computing, Digital Twin, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, enabling a data exchange in big volumes, enhance communication and enable the monitoring from remote of plants, thus improving efficiency and productivity. Experience proves that the acquisition of data and the automatic learning lead to fast error-free ameliorations in production. Manufacturing Congress 2022 represents the most interesting opportunity of the year to remain updated about the trends connected with the digital transformation in progress, to know the best technological solutions and for networking with sector top players. The event will focus on: organizing the factory for a lean adaptive production; automation and robotics for the connected factory; virtual modelling systems, augmented reality, digital twin; 5G, Big Data, IIoT, artificial intelligence and Data Science in production; connected digital innovation for the sustainable factory. The congress will propose five parallel sessions: Automotive and vehicle industry; Food and drink industry; Packaging; Manufacturing systems and machining; Start-ups for digitalization.